12 Beauty Essentials Every Woman Should Pack

Beauty Essentials Every Woman Should Pack

Packing can be challenging when trying to remember everything you need while also not overpacking. It can be a daunting task because we want enough for our travels but not so much that lugging our suitcase around becomes difficult. You might have limited space in your bags, but you don’t want to compromise on your beauty routine. While the goal is to travel light, there are 12 beauty products you should always pack and bring on your trips so that you can look and feel the best.

12 Beauty Products to Always Pack

1) Facial spray

It’s no secret that traveling dries the skin out. A facial spray is wonderful for a quick refresh and to give your skin a little boost. Not to mention, when you’re tired or feeling a little..blah, it is a great pick-me-up. Facial Spray also doesn’t take up that much space in your bag. It is a product that may sound unnecessary, but for many people, it becomes a holy grail item once they have traveled with it.

2) Nourishing face mask

A nourishing face mask is essential to help combat dryness from traveling. Wear a hydrating face mask on your actual travel day if possible, and use a nourishing one such as the Blue Lagoon algae face mask upon arrival to your destination to help combat the stressors your skin went through during traveling. It is a great way to take a little self-care time and treat your skin. Plus, that way your skin will look and feel all the better while on your trip!

.        stocksnap.io

3) Tinted moisturizer

A tinted moisturizer is a two-in-one product that is great to bring with you during your trips in case you need a reapplication of your base. The tinted moisturizer is lightweight, easy to apply, easy to blend, and has a high SPF. Some people find that with a moisturizing SPF or tinted moisturizer, they are set! A tinted moisturizer will give you that light coverage you want while traveling. It can also be layered if you would like more coverage.

4) Lip oil

A lip oil is ultra-hydrating and looks beautiful. It replenishes the lips instead of drying them out like a matte or liquid lip may, and it makes them look plumper after being a bit dehydrated from travels. You can get them in clear if you want a simple yet elegant look or you can carry one of the many colors available for a pop of color.

5) Face powder

A face powder, whether a setting one or colored foundation powder, is a travel essential, especially if you are expecting warm and humid conditions. It won’t explode in your handbag, and it is easy to pop into your purse for daily use and touch-ups while traveling. Bonus if you get one that is in a smaller container as well so you have both options. For those times your skin may get a little shiny or you want to do a re-touch without messing with the rest of your look, this is a great product to lightly apply and be set.

.         Pixabay.com

6) Sunscreen

SPF is an essential product for daily use, including days when you’re on an airplane and/or driving! Many people find that it takes some time to find the right sunscreen for their skin and how it absorbs, so it is well worth bringing your favorite sunscreen with you on your trip. Face sunscreen and body sunscreen deserve spots in your luggage for the care of your skin and no one wants to get a sunburn while on vacation. The sunscreen you should bring depends on the type of trip you are taking. If you’re going to the beach, you’ll need water-resistant sunscreen with at least 50 SPF. If you won’t be exposed to much sun during your trip, an SPF of 30 is adequate.

7) Mascara/Eyeliner

A slick of mascara or eyeliner can instantly brighten and enhance your appearance. Always carry a smudge/waterproof one to ensure that it lasts the entire day. If you end up spending a lot of time outside in adverse weather conditions, it should not smudge or peel off. You don’t want your eyes to bleed and ruin all of your photos.

8) Concealer

A stressful trip, long flights, and jetlag can leave your face looking tired. It might cause dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. So, it becomes essential that you carry a long-lasting concealer that is simple to apply and remove. That way, you won’t have to touch up your makeup during the day and can feel confident about your looks.

.        Flickr.com

9) Cleanser, Toner & Moisturiser

Just because you’re on the road doesn’t mean you should abandon your skincare routine. It should be followed on a daily basis. Remember that your face will be exposed to a lot of dirt and pollutants. Carry small travel-sized bottles of your favorite cleanser, toner, and moisturizer with you.

10)  Makeup Remover Wipes

Sleeping without cleaning your makeup should be avoided at all costs. Makeup removal wipes are a lifesaver if you’re exhausted or don’t have quick access to a washroom. To make life easier, always carry a tiny packet of makeup remover wipes in your luggage.

11)  Dry Shampoo

This item has recently piqued the interest of all travelers. A hectic travel schedule makes it tough to wash your hair frequently. However, if you carry dry shampoo in your bag, your hair will not suffer and you will continue to impress everyone with your shiny mane.

12) Perfume

Perfume is that final touch product that can give you a boost in how you feel and smell. It’s possible that your trip will demand a lot of walking/hiking, and you won’t always have time to take a bath. A heavenly perfume should always be added to your beauty essentials. A little rollerball perfume travels well and makes it easy to pop back and forth between bags.

Which beauty product do you always make sure to pack in your suitcase?

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